Saturday April 22nd, 2023
Arrive 2PM with Departure at 2:15PM
8671 Open Meadow Way
Columbia, MD 21045
Please join the Wright Family for either a 9 mile bike Loop to Lake Elkhorn or a 3 mile walk Loop to Jackson Pond. Afterward we’ll enjoy snacks and fellowship in our backyard. Please bring your bike helmet or tennis shoes and a blanket or chair for comfort.
RSVP to Julie at 443-812-8985 or to ensure we’ll have enough goodies for our Loopers. 🙂 Can’t be with us in person? Join us virtually and send your Loop pics/videos to to share with others. Finally, $10 Loop for Luke t-shirts are back by popular demand (and growing children)! If interested contact Julie by March 29th, 2023. If you choose to donate to CSA please make checks payable to Christianson Syndrome Association and send it to us by April 22nd or donate online by clicking on Make a Donation on the right sidebar (indicate Loop for Luke in the message line). All proceeds go to CSA.

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