We want you to become a part of our 2017 Get Your Heart Beating event! Thanks to all our participants we raised $11,000.00 in 2016 and have a goal of $20,000.00 for 2017. All you need to do is sign up and pay your race fee online and then you go run, walk, swim or bike. You can even create a team of friends, family or co-workers. Everyone will sign up online and then you all can get your heart beating for CSA!
With a traditional run/walk or biking event you can arrive at a specific location on a specific date at a specific time. For our race, you start and complete your race on your course, take lots of pictures and videos and submit them to us for posting on our website and Facebook page. Our Twitter and Instagram is #CSAHeartbeat.
For those of you in the Houston, TX area, plan to join the Nash family on a date yet to be determined in May for a GYHB Walk event. We invite all our Texas participants to come out and get your heart beating for CSA
How to sign up – Click the Registration link below and it will take you right to Constant Contact where you can register. Then, get your group together April 3, 2017 through May 31, 2017. You can run, bike, swim or walk your own race. Email your photographs to info@csa-cares.org with your name, your team’s name (if applicable), your race location, event and time. Just remember to have lots and lots of fun!
Register here for Get Your Heart Beating for CSA!
If you are unable to participate in our virtual event and just want to make a donation to CSA, please click on the donation button below and in the notes section of PayPal please note that this donation is in honor of Get Your Heart Beating for CSA!
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